
Showing posts from August, 2007

Senator Craig of Idaho I Am Not Gay

Would you tab dance with me! This is apparently the line of defense Senator Larry Craig of the Barber Quartet will present for him self. Senator Craig possibly after he saw the foot of the young under cover detective got duped. So the feet touched other and in the confusion of the moment the toilet paper that the Senator had cut flew to the detective stall and after this episode the Senator hand touched the detective hand each wanted to catch the toilet trophy first. This culminated the story and the detective decided he had caught the rat in the trap. The folks in Idaho were red faced and their delegation were very embarrassed to the scandal of their senior state representative who ran on the plateau of family values. Yes, Senator family values we got it. Good Repux Senator! In the old happy days of 1995, Craig formed a barbershop quartet called “The Singing Senators” with Senators Trent Lott, John Ashcroft, and James Jeffords. The happy guys! In 1999 Senator Craig was one of the firs...


Islamphobia is growing in the world like cancer, never the less, it did not enter into the Webster Myraim English dictionary. By far the most acts of violence which happens is because of this well entrenched disease of now a days. World attention should be drawn to this Islamphobia menace. Terrorism would come in the second or the third concern for the world. This disease Islam phobia is spreading in America, Europe and many other places around the globe. By far Islamphobia should be the focus of the world more than anything else.

Good -Bye Mr. Alberto Gonzales

Like in the old movies Good -Bye Mr. Chips Good Bye Mr. Alberto Gonzales, also known in business as Gonzo. not monkey business though! How dare you? Gonzo by the way is a style of storytelling that mixes factual events into a fictional tale. Although he had very mild demeanor, kind a pleasant one and portrays a personality that he will not harm a fly he fell in deep trouble because of his absolute loyalty to George W Bush than to the American constitution. On the other hand he was a menace to the American Moslem community closing and persecuting Islamic charities and causing havoc in the Moslem community. In his time the FBI raided Islamic institutions, businesses and mosques. In fairness to him he was not a Muslim butcher like his predecessor John Ashcroft. Good Bye Mr. Chips. You were good though for Mr. pretzel.

A Terror Attack On London Central Mosque Imam

The hatred to Islam is very much intensifying fueled with all the radio and TV programs, articles in newspapers, magazines, published books and hate speech by the Pope and the likes of the now deceased Jerry Falwell. On early morning Friday, August 10, 2007 the 58-year old Azhar University Sheikh Mohammed Al-Salamoni Imam of the Regent's Park mosque in center London was beaten very badly as he was leaving the mosque was attacked and blinded by anti-Moslem Roman Catholic terrorist fanatic of Irish background the 40-years old Ryan Donegan from Hammersmith. The Imam who is very mild natured and extremely moderate lost the sight in his left eye completely with damaged retina while the right eye was badly injured but he can not see through it either and any chance he can see through it is unknown. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Salamoni suffered serious injuries in the head and also lost lot of blood. He was punched in the eye by the attacker and who used his finger to blind the right eye and then ...

Turk General Yasar Büyükanit Voice of Tyranny

The fact that Islam does not have a structured religious hierarchy to protect it, unlike the Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christian churches, who have very strong institutions like the almighty Vatican, the Moslems have become severely under the mercy and excesses of hostile Moslem governments. Similarly, in tyrants like general Yaşar Büyükanit the present army commander in Turkey presents a threat for Moslem's who aspires for more religious freedoms and rigthts. The Kemal Ata-Turk era and what it followed was the most traumatic cringing experience in the history Islam in Turkey and for the Turkish Moslem people and had raised great havoc against Islam as destroying and closing mosques became a common thing. Also, banning any teaching of Islam or Islamic religious education to children in schools or in mosques, banning of Hajj which subjected the Moslem pilgrims with prison punishment upon their return to Turkey, banning Friday prayers or Jumaa for government employees, businesses...

Moslem House Burned In Bosnia House Burned in Florida

Hasib Segovic a 43 years old from Bosnia has house burned and gutted in Sarasota, Florida when he was for two days out of town vacation. There were ten locations in the house where the fire had started. There was anti-Moslem and anti-Islam graffiti on the walls inside and outside the house and drawing of the cross. Hasib Segovia was an ordinary Moslem from Bosnia who came in this country escaping one of the worst murder his people endured under the Serb Christian Orthodox majority. In 1992-3and 4 the Roman Catholic Croat joined the killing party of Moslems. 60% of Moslem young men between age of 16 and 32 were killed by mostly the Serbian thugs with the blessing of the fanatical Orthodox priests and the patriarch in Belgrade. There were 250,000 Moslems died in all in this genocidal war. Hasib Segovic thought a more peaceful life in America and he moved to Sarasota Florida little he knew that this part of the country is the hub of the most fundamentalist, Jihadist, Christian Evangelical...

The Islamic Conquests Why?

The prophet Muhammad message was to have it known that there is only one God who does not have father, mother, son or daughter. In addition he is all powerful and the creator who does not resemble of any of what he had created. This is the message of Islam. Prophet Muhammad believed that it is his duty as a messenger of God to spread the message so the people who would like to believe in it do that without fear or punishment. This is why was the Moslem conquests at the early history of Islam that had the goal that the message of Islam to be known to people and to grant them safety if they do that under an Islamic protection or rule. Without an Islamic rule no one will dare to be a Moslem without being killed or severely punished or persecuted in very bad way. After the death of Muhammad Islamic conquests took place at very fast speed and continued at slower pace under the caliphates.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ideal V.P Repux Candidate For 2008

Arnold Schwarzenegger the governor of California would have made a great Republican (Repux) 2008 presidential candidate team but unfortunately this is not possible. As the governor of California with lot of good well and marginal popularity within his state, which is not bad for a Republican in a majority Democratic state, he could with the help of his charisma and not being extreme to the right, he possibly could have brought California to the Republican side. With 55 electoral college votes in the election this would have been very alluring and perhaps bringing a major win for the Republican. After all this have been said the reality this is not possible because of the fact Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a US born citizen. Damx he was born in Austria! The end of the movie episode.

Will Rev. Billy Graham Meet Jesus in 2007?

After long life dedicated to Jesus, Billy Graham may be anxious to meet Jesus in person some place in the galaxy if one presumes, not in the clouds though unless the tribulation happens very shortly. The Rev. Billy Graham witnessed to tens of millions of people through the four corners of the world and through the years with the message to accept Jesus as their personal god and savior who died on the cross to wash through his blood their sins inherited from Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating a delicious apple . Now Billy Graham after the loss of his wife Ruth few months back whom he remarked “how wonderful she looks?’ in the coffin of course, incidentally it may abrasive crude inappropriate statement, Billy Graham stern believer of Jesus been told, unless he deceived people through the years, should be impatient to meet Jesus and hopefully his wife Ruth! The question is will Jesus appropriate enough time for him with hundreds of millions of good Christians who have died and also ...

I Was For It Before I Am Against It Mantra At Washington, D.C.

John Kerry declared he was for the war in Iraq before he turned against it. Then John Kerry was For appropriating 70 Billion Dollars for the war in Iraq before he turned against. People were amused. Now the Republicans are catching the germ as Rudy Giuliani declares he was for amnesty for illegal’s before he turned against it and fellow Mormon Mitt Romney declares that he was for pro-choice before he turned against it. How pity! Who will join the fray next! Before I was for it but now at last there will be blast!

Jihad is not One of the Pillars of Islam

The five pillars of Islam are: Testimony of faith (Kalima) There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet". This Shahadah. Prayer (Salat) Five proscribed prayers a day and Friday congregational prayer. Fasting (Sawm) Fasting during month of Ramadan Lunar Almsgiving (Zakat) Giving proscribed money for the poor. Pilgrimage (Hajj) Once in life time pilgrimage to Mecca It is clearly Jihad is not one of the five pillars. Detractors of Islam want to portray Jihad as the main pillar of Islam. However, Islamic daily prayers and giving money to the poor are the major emphasis of Islam and its foundation. They are much emphasized in Quraan repeatedly.

The American Jury Acts Like Nazis in Padilla and Others

The American jury acts like fanatic Nazi followers when it comes to any trial involves Moslems or Moslems organizations in phony accusations of supporting terrorism. The verdict is known in advance in such mock trials. Here is Jose Padilla who turned his life around from life of crime and gangs to life of Islamic religion and piety now with no specific act of crime a bunch of Jury who were determined to convict him on three counts of lies from the early start. The current persecution of Moslems in America is in a full gear and the jury are worthless. Another trial of Moslem charity in Texas is another mock trial nonsense and similar Nazi type Jury are in charge and had convicted the charitable organization in advance. These trials are waiting to suck blood. One can look at some of the comments made by the average American people in the web: *Time to go visit your DADDY Padilla--OH, HE IS IN HELL! *Padilla is a TRAITOR who must pay for his CRIME against the UNITED STATES with his LIFE! ...

Mosque is Cold Place For Women in America

It is unfortunate but it is true that many women feel cut off and obscure when they go for mosques prayers. It depends on a mosque to mosque of course, however, the complete separation of sexes even within one family is uninviting and to some degree takes the joy out of going to mosques. This explains that the percentage of females in mosque is very low. In some mosques women stopped going there at all. The wisdom of strict separation of women and women in mosques is the fear and suspicion of this turn the mosque into a dating club and what follows sexual liaison. In prayer halls women near men is afraid that men will be more thinking about women and fantasizing than deeply devoting their minds and prayers to god. In real life man and woman are intermingled in all aspects of life then why artificially build this wall of separation between men and women in mosques. In dining rooms in some mosques for examples women and men dine in separate rooms. Some of these actions are based on the e...

Not All Moslems Are Good Moslems

The attack on the villages of the Kurdish Yezidi religious sect in the Kurdish area in Northern Iraq killed hundreds of innocent women, men and children and was horrific. This is violation of any humanity principle and shows no mercy. Assumable the ones who committed this act of terror acted on their own and not guided by any Islamic principle because such killing of innocents is not permitted in Islam. So one can say they were not good Moslem and therefore the non Moslems should realize that: Not all Moslems are good Moslems. Like wise one should agree that not all Christians are good Christians or all Jews are good Jews. None the less those who committed these acts as revenge of the brutal killing of a Yezidi young woman who converted to Islam for sake of marriage, had acted in over and over brutal and over blown response. It is still a mystery why some body will be willing to take his own life in committing such gruesome act!

The Burning of Antioch mosque in San Francisco Area

The Monday, August 13, 2007 burning of the Antioch mosque, in the East Bay area of San Francisco is a copy of the burning of the mosques in every corner of the country. Although the American media and news papers take notice of any scratch on any church in the world they act like a blind folded dumb when a mosque gets burned in this country. May be the media in adjacent area covered it but not in any place else. In the mean time the FBI keeps busy planting 15,000 informers and under cover agents to trap innocent people, naives or slightly mentally challenged Moslems in mosques across America. Then there is the most violent anti-Moslem radio talk show host Michael Wiener Savage working from his studios in San Francisco spreading his snake poison to entice acts of violence against Moslems in America. This is the most disgusting aspect of it all.


It is tragic to lose the lives of six miners deep under ground in Utah's Crandall Canyon Mine. Every day selfless people serve us all performing difficult and dangerous jobs for all our benefit. Human history and our level of civilization is due to the great sacrifices people made to expand our knowledge and exploit earth resources. It is obviously very difficult to promptly and timely rescue group of miners trapped deep under surface of the earth with limited food and water supplies and chilly surroundings. In addition limited air and oxygen supply adding to that the complete darkness and the horrible feeling that you are deep under ground. Naturally if the ceiling of the cavity you are In collapses then you are in deep trouble. After digging three holes 1,800-foot deep no sign of life was reported. These brave men were working 3.4 miles from the entrance of the mine. Although there is a myriad of dangers and hazards involved in deep under ground mining seismic activity can cause ...

Who Is Running for the 2008 Ticket for Vice President?

It may not appear so on the surface but many of the candidates running for the 2008 presidential tickets who know very well that they can not win the grand prize for being the Democratic or Republican nominee are actually running for the vice presidency spot obviously, they are not telling any body it. A reasonably well secondary performance in the polls may be the hook needed to attract attention and ultimately be picked as the vice president spot on the final winner for either party nomination.

Rudy Giuliani Will Be Sucked in Ground Zero Black Hole

Rudy Giuliani is sucking him self in a cosmos black hole with all his talk about his wondrous ground zero heroism. The best judge of his claim comes from New York City deputy fire chief Jimmy Riches, who spent months digging for his firefighter son. Mr. Riches speaking about the Ground Zero Rudy Giuliani in a direct quote: "He is such a liar, because the only time he was down there was for photo ops with celebrities, with politicians, with diplomats” Adding salt to the injury Mr. Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters "I think he was simply showing what his true character is — a self-absorbed, self-deluded promoter who got caught and is now just simply trying to backtrack," To make more fire work for the Ground Zero man the International Association of Fire Fighters opposes Rudy Giuliani as hell fire. The facts are Rudy Giuliani as a fake and the more he talks his credibility will evaporates. A parallel analogy was John Kerry who...

Colorado Congressman Tom TanCredo The Top Holy Terrorist

Tom TanCredo is a top Christian-Fascist terrorist. This miserable terrorist wants to threaten the Islamic holy places in Saudi Arabia. This can bring about a major world escalation that will logically follows when Moslem will retaliate by targeting the church of nativity and other churches in Jerusalem. This guy is an idiot and nut of the caliper of Ann Coulter who called for the US to invade all Moslem countries in the world, assassinate or kill all the leaders and force all Moslem population to convert to Christianity by Force. Similarly this Radio-Talk-show host Jewish-Fascist Weiner Savage known in the business as Michael Savage, he calls for killing 100 million Moslems through out the world and states that the remaining one billion moslems still to be a lot, theref if this happens no one can should complain. Fortunately, for TanCredo there are no any significant Moslem votes in this fascist Tom TanCredo, Colorado 6th congressional district to topple him come next congressional ele...

People Are Tired to Hear About John McCain Vietnam Imprisonment

John McCain ever and ever and never failing to mention his five years imprisonment in Vietnam. This is very annoying and boring as John McCain always. Frankly no body cares whether he was imprisoned or not. No body cares whether he was imprisoned for 5 years or 50 years for that matter! Get over with and stop boring us. This Vietnam talk is for an era long time ago has gone. John Kerry knew that so quickly after he lost the election to George W Bush because the Vietnam mess that he unnecessary plunged himself in.

Marsh on The 2008 Republican Christian Soldiers

Jesus Christ again is the theme of the Republican Christian 2008 Presidential hopefuls. Jesus Christ and the bible is every body favorite tune like whistling Dixie during the time of civil war. When this bunch were asked what was their biggest mistake they have done in their life and still they regret it! This joker Tom TanCredo the Colorado Boy regretted that it took him 30 years to find and accept Jesus Christ. Thirty years that is too long. The gentleman did not explain what was his objection to accept Jesus Christ for 30 years. Nuts! Then this Tom TanCredo making the same terrorist threats he had made in the past on the Islamic holy sites in Saudi Arabia. In the mean time it is unheard that a Moslem makes a terrorist attack threats on the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The 2008 Republican Christian Soldiers candidates competed between themselves who will football the phrases of Islamic terrorists and war on Islam jihad. To be fair no body used the phrase Islamo-facists ...

The Purpose of Life is to Enjoy it Till You Die

The purpose of life is to enjoy it till the time for you to die. Since there is no escape of death then enjoy life as close as the day you die. You have to be honest in the mean time.

The US Congress and The Armenian Massacre Legislation

Instead of leaving history and historians to decide historical events and matters Armenian zealots and their backers are pressing on the congress to adopt a resolution declaring an Armenian massacre took place in Turkey in the years between 1915-1923. As in any good auction the number of Armenian massacre victim reached 1.5 millions as if there was such number to start with in Turkish regions where the fabled massacres had occurred. Historically the Armenians are the ones who started massacring and pillaging Turkish villages in Eastern Turkey with the tacit approval of their big brothers the Russian orthodox authorities. The Turks counter reacted with ferocity because of this betrayal of fellow citizens. At these times the very existence of Turkey was at stake. There was ferocious attack an invasion from the west at the sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn, the Bosporus and Istanbul which was landed by the British. Turkey was attacked from all sides and then you have this Armenian insur...

The Law of Gravity is it Part of a Larger Scheme of Things?

The gravitational force or phenomena is one of the most mysterious things in our daily life but we are accustomed to it so much that we do not think about it. This fabulous force extend the span from the smallest minute structure such as atoms to every day objects we deal with to planets, stars and galaxies. That is through out the universe. Why there is gravity? And what it is doing? And what it wants to accomplish by pulling things together? This is the question! And this is what I portend that there may be a larger principle involved or a higher level law of nature that gravity is one of its attributes or manifestations. May be the gravitational law was brought about as a natural or counter response to some cosmic event that had happened in the past during creation? May be nature wants to accomplish a thing we are not aware of through this omnipotent and majestic force called gravity.

Give Me My Dannon Yogurt At Phoenix US Airlines Baggage Screeners

On the most terrorizing experience in traveling through different airlines is going through the baggage screeners at airports. Coming from the East Coast heading to the West Coast I had to change the airline terminals when I arrived to Phoenix. Going from one airport terminal at hot weather conditions is quite enduring. Going through the baggage screeners of the US Airways terminals is very stressful and annoying. Going through the metal detectors and then have my hand baggage X-ray screened is daunting. After my hand baggage which basically contained papers and reading materials for the long flight, passing through the x-ray machine a screener guy took it and laid it down on a far counter at corner location. The screener keep sifting through and through until he found small container of All natural Dannon yogurt. Then he took it from me. I told him give it to me and I will eat it. He told me no! He told me take all your luggage back with the yogurt, eat outside then go through the who...