The US Congress and The Armenian Massacre Legislation
Instead of leaving history and historians to decide historical events and matters Armenian zealots and their backers are pressing on the congress to adopt a resolution declaring an Armenian massacre took place in Turkey in the years between 1915-1923. As in any good auction the number of Armenian massacre victim reached 1.5 millions as if there was such number to start with in Turkish regions where the fabled massacres had occurred. Historically the Armenians are the ones who started massacring and pillaging Turkish villages in Eastern Turkey with the tacit approval of their big brothers the Russian orthodox authorities. The Turks counter reacted with ferocity because of this betrayal of fellow citizens. At these times the very existence of Turkey was at stake. There was ferocious attack an invasion from the west at the sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn, the Bosporus and Istanbul which was landed by the British. Turkey was attacked from all sides and then you have this Armenian insurgency. Russia was attacking from the east, the Greeks had solid penetration from the west deep into Anatolia, the Bulgarians and Serbs from the North and then there was the Turks co-coreligionist's traitors from the south. The matter that Turkey survived all that was a miracle. Then comes the Armenians and cry that they were massacred and in the mean time they had since then a strategic and demographic foot hold in new territories including Lebanon and Syria. Now lets see what countries had acted legislation's that criminalizes any thought about Armenian massacre denials they include: Switzerland, Argentina, Canada, Italy, and France. Then countries that declared that a massacre had occurred they include: Sweden, Belgium, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Uruguay and poor Lebanon. Also, adding to the charade 32 states in the US including the tiny state of Montana that her governor Judy Martz stated in 2004 that barbarian genocide was committed by the Ottomans, which is news.