Rudy Giuliani Will Be Sucked in Ground Zero Black Hole

Rudy Giuliani is sucking him self in a cosmos black hole with all his talk about his wondrous ground zero heroism. The best judge of his claim comes from New York City deputy fire chief Jimmy Riches, who spent months digging for his firefighter son. Mr. Riches speaking about the Ground Zero Rudy Giuliani in a direct quote: "He is such a liar, because the only time he was down there was for photo ops with celebrities, with politicians, with diplomats” Adding salt to the injury Mr. Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters "I think he was simply showing what his true character is — a self-absorbed, self-deluded promoter who got caught and is now just simply trying to backtrack," To make more fire work for the Ground Zero man the International Association of Fire Fighters opposes Rudy Giuliani as hell fire. The facts are Rudy Giuliani as a fake and the more he talks his credibility will evaporates. A parallel analogy was John Kerry who insisted on talking about his Vietnam bravado and his assortments purple hearts medals he was awarded for. Finally when the curtain was settled he was mauled by Vietnam veterans comrades who knew him closely and by media critics and radio talk shows more specifically. He became a laughing stuff. One will not feel sorry for Rudy in our case who is bombastic stunt publicity seeker and bragger of the highest degree. Ground zero, Ground zero, Ground zero, Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani … shut up.


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