The Law of Gravity is it Part of a Larger Scheme of Things?
The gravitational force or phenomena is one of the most mysterious things in our daily life but we are accustomed to it so much that we do not think about it. This fabulous force extend the span from the smallest minute structure such as atoms to every day objects we deal with to planets, stars and galaxies. That is through out the universe. Why there is gravity? And what it is doing? And what it wants to accomplish by pulling things together? This is the question! And this is what I portend that there may be a larger principle involved or a higher level law of nature that gravity is one of its attributes or manifestations. May be the gravitational law was brought about as a natural or counter response to some cosmic event that had happened in the past during creation? May be nature wants to accomplish a thing we are not aware of through this omnipotent and majestic force called gravity.