The Massacar of Albanian Moslems by Greece and Ethnic Cleansing in Cameria June 27, 1944

History of Massacring The Albanian Moslems By Greece

Cameria was a region in Northern Greece populated mostly by Albanian Muslems. These Muslems suffered the most cruelest atrocities during their ethnic cleansing by Greek Fascists. Beginning Tuesday June 27, 673 men women and children were killed in the town of Paramithia. In Gumenica, 192 persons were killed and in the towns of Margellic and Parga, 626 people met their deaths at the hands of the Greek gangs. In the town of Filat, 1,286 persons were killed during the period June, 1944, to March, 1945. Hundreds of persons went missing. In all, 2,877 Albanian men, women and children were massacred, 475 women were raped and 68 small villages were razed to the ground including 5,800 houses and places of worship (110 Mosques). After March, 1945, the remaining Albanian Muslims (Around 30,000) were expelled from their ancestral lands and forced to flee to Albania or Turkey.

Other account:

The population of Chameria has always been ethnically Albanian: - A lot of voyagers and foreign historians wrote that Chameria had been populated by Albanians. Even the Greek historian Herodotus underscored this fact in his book Historias and called Albanians of the Chameria barbarians, a term used by the ancient Greeks to distinguish non-greek people. - The census held by the Turkish Administration in 1910 established that there were 83.000 orthodox and muslim Albanians in the region. The demographic map of the British military mission sent to the British government in London indicates that on the eve of the second World War, 75% of Chameria's population was Albanian. - The pro-Greek historian Spiro Muselimi, in his book "Historical Sight Through Thesprotia", edited in Joannina on 1974, wrote that "The bishop of Thesprotia in the year 1870 translated some parts of Bible into Albanian, as the people of orthodox faith of the region did not understand any word in Greek".


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