The Moslem World is Silent as the Ata-X Secularists Savage Islam in Turkey Savage Islam in Turkey

It is tragic that the Moslem world is in deep silence as the Ata-X secularists savage Islam in Turkey. It is an absolute shame. The reign of terror is reigning over the heads of Moslem faithfuls through threat of straying from the Ata-X or Ata-Turk secularism principles. Whose Ata-Turk or Ata-X which is more proper? The answer is he nothing but an impostor from the deep past, a relic whose ashes in his huge built mausoleum need to be taken away and thrown in city dumpster.
Turkey is being ruled by a piece of rag called the Constitution for long time that should be shredded and the anti-Moslem should be cut and thrown away.
The Turkish prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya is threatening Moslem faithful with banning from political life for five years as he files papaers against them in the constiutional courts. It is all again the right of moslem female students to wear head scarf in the universities and colleges. What great tyrrany are these secularists Kafirs?


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