Glimpses of Arab Leaders Racist Betrayal of Moslems in Balkan

The shameful Arab leaders have abhorring record of stabbing fellow Moslems in Bosnia and Kosovo. They were in bed with Milosevic when he was killing and ethnic cleansing Bosniac and Kosovar Moslems. When NATO tried to rescue them the radical Arab leaders condemned them. They called it with their eyes blinded by ignorance as always the case. Iraq and Libya both described the NATO action in Kosovo as an anti-Yugoslav aggression, while Syria and Lebanon kept silent like in graveyard. At that time Libyan foreign minister ‘Umar al-Muntasir announced, after a meeting with the Yugoslav ambassador to Libya, that Libyan leader Mu‘ammar al-Qadhdhafi supported "dialogue" between Belgrade and the Kosovars without foreign intervention.11 This amiable exchange came one month after the first pitched battle between Serb forces and the KLA, in the Kosovo town of Rahovec, on July 19, 1998. At Rahovec, up to 150 Albanians died; the Serbs buried their victims in two mass graves in the area of Prizren.
This is just a stone turned to show an example of the secular Arab leaders betrayal.


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