The Ultra Secularist Tyranny in The Country of Turkey?

Is Their Religious Freedom in The Ultra Secular Country of Turkey?
The attempt in Turkey to lift the ban on women wearing head scarf and to have college education in universities was met by noisy demonstration by about 125,000 die hard secularist fanatics in protest. In Turkey brain washing about erroneously called Ata Turk starts at the age five or six when the Turk kids enter grade schools. By age of 18 when they graduate from high school they are completely brain washed all their lives until the day they die. In the US, Canada, Western Europe and else where there is complete freedom in this regard. Incidentally, the wife of the current president of Turkey although very bright woman was banned all her life from entering university because she wears scarf. In the mean time the fanatic ultra secular Generals of the Turkish army threaten to roll heavy tanks in the major Turkish cities to topple the government if this happens. Few decades ago the army hanged the Turkish prime minister Adnan Mendris after brief trial accusing him of religious tendencies.
Turkey Chief of Staff General Yaasar Bujuanit is looking over the shoulder of the government of Tayyeb Ardogan to jump in teach a lesson not to grant more religious frredom for Moslems in Turkey.


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