Presidential Pardon for John Walker Lindh The American Taliban

Presidential pardon is in order for this young man John Walker Lindh called the American Taliban. John Walker was sucked into situation that never, ever he expected and was accused of helping the enemy and treason. This may be totally false and probably it is so. This young man, now 27, wanted to make a meaning for his life so he traveled all the way to Afghanistan looking for a religious life and practicing in his opinion pure Islam. He did not have any political agenda till circumstances changed so quickly and forced itself on him. This young man who was merely 20 years old when he was captured have very loving parents. John Walker was sentenced for 20 years and he pleaded for one guilty account under the duress for public cry for his execution. John Walker Lindh had already spent six years in prison, the prime years of his life and as such it would be a very good gesture from Mr. Bush to grant him a pardon when at the time just before leaving office and his presidency. Such act of leniency will need lot of courage but would be greatly appreciated from this young man his parent and humanity.


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