Norman Mailer The End of a Life

Norman Mailer was identified as America for a long time and his name floated around the world in the literary circles. Norman Mailer graduated in degree of engineering at age of 21, a great achievement. When he was in high school his teachers claimed he had IQ of 164. He was drafted in 1944 and served in the army in Philippine. During the Vietnam era he addressed huge peace demonstrations denouncing the war. He was arrested by the police when he crossed a corridor line. Beside writing many novels that some of it depicted violence and obscenities like fug and fugging he won a lot of literary awards including Polizer Prize. He was fascinated by the boxing champion Muhammed Ali and he wrote about him and mocked with him about throwing punches. He wrote about ancient Egypt history through time period that spans thousands of years. Not all of his 40 books he wrote or so was a success. In real life he was not successful through his marriages that counted to six, one of them ended so violently when he stabbed his wife Adele Morales and left her seriously wounded, she however did not press charges. Norman Mailer had eight children, adopted son and 10 grand children. At age of 84 he looked very old and battered and finally he succumbed and ended his life party at Manhattan, New York after acute renal failure and health problems that persisted for better than a year.
So in life you have an entry point and another exit point.


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