Al Rantel A Crusader Against Moslems

Al Rantel is a talk show host master at the very moslem hater the Los Angeles 790KABC radio station, this guy as his masters spouse much hatred. He chronically spread fear against Moslems in America and encourage hatred. Who is afraid from who, actually the Moslems who are in fear of crazies like him. He claims that he get scared to get on board an airplane if he sees some speaks Arabic or some one wears a clothes with some Arabic on it. Is he crazy? Is he maniac? He often and on regular basis has a host from Englandhe encourage him to wage a war of hatred against the Moslems in Britain. So he does not only spread his hate message against Moslems in America but want to infect the british society of this hatred germ. In America under freedom of speech you can spread the message of hate against on the air waves this is not the case in Britain where spreading hate against other people because of their religion, ethnic background or color of their skin can bring some one to court.
Some of the vicious statements this Nazi Rantel said about Moslems:
On the Los Angeles WABC, Al Rantel, compared Islam to a roach motel.


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