Prejudice Against Moslems in America

Prejudice against Moslems in America is very alarming and very sad. Inflamotory statements are cause au celebre.

From Chicago Sun Times
October 19, 2007

WALKERSVILLE, Md. -- A Muslim group's plan to build a mosque and convention site on a 224-acre farm has met with resistance from many residents ...
''Muslims are a whole different culture from us,''
said the mayor, Ralph Whitmore, taking a break at his livestock feed store.
''The situation with the Muslims is a touchy worldwide situation, so people are antsy over that.''

Muqtedar Khan, a political science professor at the University of Delaware, said the blunt opposition voiced by some Walkersville citizens is reminiscent of the persecution Ahmadis have endured in Pakistan. There, they are forbidden to practice their religion because they believe there was a prophet after Muhammad -- Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who died in 1908.


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