Israel Needs Place To Live In Peace With Arabs

Israel needs place to live in amidst its Arab neighbours without quarrels and mutual recognition. The Jewish people had their history in this piece of land calling the modern country of Israel. In the mean time the Palestinians predominantly Moslems have lived there for more than thousands years. Both the Jews and Moslems should live shoulder to shoulder in this little precious land for ever joyfully away from discrimination.


ibin nimer elhaj said…
Balance , equal opportunity and fairness is what makes America great. Telling one side of the story most of the time, is an insult to your people and their intelligence, the ones who have something "wrong" to hide will hide the truth. Please America if you show an Israeli victim , please do not hide the ten Palestinian victims, some times 20, or 30. Once Begen -the Israeli Prime minister said, " for every Israeli killed, we kill eighty Palestinians" they said it not me...

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