
Showing posts from December, 2007

Under Rudolph Giuliani Administration Millions of Moslems Will Get Killed

Under Adolph sorry Rudolph Giuliani administration Millions of Moslems will be killed. This Rudolph Giuliani is very vicious and extremely Moslem hater and will not be trusted that he will wage wars against Moslems devastating their properties and killing millions.

The Moslem Brothers In Egypt Should Accept Israel

The Moslem Brothers in Egypt should accept Israel as a sovereign nation. Actually, the Moslem Brothers in Egypt started to get troubles after they raised boisterous voices against Camp David Peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. The Moslems accept Christians amongst themselves, why then do not accept Jews? The acceptance of Israel does negate a Sovereign Palestinian Moslem state side by side. Jews have deep historic roots in this type of the world so also Moslems.

Radio KFMB Islam Haters Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback

San Diego Radio 760 KFMB is the the voice of Islamic bashing and racism. With vicious rostrum of Nazi radio talk show hosts the likes of Michael Savage, Mark Levin and fascist Peter Weissback there is no any room left for more anti-Moslem hysteria. This trio Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback represent a constant threat to every Moslem in the world. Openly they are hoping for Islam destruction in the world. They and along their callers want after 1400 years to eliminate Islam and the destruction of Quraan and Mosques in America. Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback are low life along with the extreme Moslem hater and KKK Radio KFMB.

Greek Tragedy In Pakistan Assassination Assassination

The death and assassination of Pakistan powerful female leader Benazir Bhutto is the height of Greek tragedy. The news of her death so shocking as one sips at the morning breakfast cup of tea. This Bhutto family suffered a lot in term of hanging, killing and assassination. Certainly, Benazir Bhutto far under estimated and minimized the dangers she faced as she campaigned in Punjab this part of Pakistani country. She provoked also lot of segment of Pakistani population by constant references and threats to wipe out militants in Northern frontiers. This is fool hardy to take on formidable group well trenched in northern Pakistan who consider them selves a separate ethnic group that resent the central government.

The Hypocrisy of The American Evangelicals And Islam

The hypocrisy of the American Evangelicals Christians when they are losing battles to preserve morality they are ignoring Islam in common battle and cause.And Islam

The Long Imprison Sentences For Terror Related Should Be Unconstitutional

The mandatory long term imprison sentence penalties for terror related trials should be stricken down as unconstitutional. Glaring example is the trial of six black very young men basically homeless and born to live in hell their lives, not born with silver spoon in their mouth as for the children of the rich, and some bordering as low IQ are subject to 30 years sentences. They are accused of engaging in conspiracy to commit act of terrorism which is hog wash. Just talking about nonsense attack is considered a conspiracy with 30 years sentence. They were bribed by a low life informer to talk into that after they have been promised money, uniforms, cameras and all type of incentives. As street smarts they were talk any thing to take these goodies and trick the informer by doing nothing. These miserable young black men they did not have the means to go to Harvard like the rich but rather learn in the school of the streets. They did not know what Sears tower is? Al-Qada is? Laden is till ...

The Tragedy of Destroying Young Moslems Men Lives at Fort Dix New Jersey

The FBI sting operation against totally innocent young Moslems, the Duka brothers, trying very hard to make a living is very nauseating. This cult of entrapment for non-suspecting young Moslems who have nothing to do with any thing is sickening. From no where under-cover jerk come and start meddling in their lives and brain washing them with crazy ideas and strange doctrines. Some may fall in this trap and then the FBI makes huge propaganda media blitz they have discovered sleeping cell who was planning a major phony terrorist acts. The three Albanians brothers living in Fort Dix, New Jersey is a glaring example for the FBI extreme brutality. According to the Philadelphia Enquirer: three suspects who are brothers work for their own construction company, which does business under the names Colonial Roofing and National Roofing. The other three were employed by a 7-Eleven convenience store, a Shop-Rite supermarket and a taxicab company. The Duka brothers, came from Debar in Macedonia loc...

New Restored Checks and Balances in Government

It is a relief that the system of checks and balances is back in the country. After disgraceful six years of the Republicans control of the White House and Congress this ugly era had ended with the Democrats comfortable control of the House of Representatives and precarious control of the Senate. These past years the Republicans in congress were mere rubber stamps for the White House and Bush whims and commands. Worst lackey's in the justice department like lately Alberto Gonzales were the foot soldiers and puppets pulled by strings by the President White House office. Now, with direct watch of the Congress committees under Democrat control this footsie is not allowed. Most recently this cozy relation between the White House employees and the Justice department functionaries had ended under strict rule of professional conduct and boundaries of non interference and undue pressures sharply drawn, at least one hopes for. Sanity is restored and the spirit of the Constitution has new fr...

George W Bush Should Condemn Single Party Arab Countries

It is high noon that President George W Bush should speak loudly and very clearly against the single party Arab countries specially in the Middle East region and continue his promotion of political freedoms. Mr. George W Bush had been silent in this regard for a long time and at the same time any progress towards more democracy and freedoms have been arrested from the start. The embryonic development and progress had been halted. It is absurd that ruling parties constitutes 95% of Parliament seats in one country or another and credible political opposition been smashed through intimidation and arrests. This has the absolute inkling of tyrannical dictatorship and Mr. Bush should awake up from hibernation.

Presidential Pardon for John Walker Lindh The American Taliban

Presidential pardon is in order for this young man John Walker Lindh called the American Taliban. John Walker was sucked into situation that never, ever he expected and was accused of helping the enemy and treason. This may be totally false and probably it is so. This young man, now 27, wanted to make a meaning for his life so he traveled all the way to Afghanistan looking for a religious life and practicing in his opinion pure Islam. He did not have any political agenda till circumstances changed so quickly and forced itself on him. This young man who was merely 20 years old when he was captured have very loving parents. John Walker was sentenced for 20 years and he pleaded for one guilty account under the duress for public cry for his execution. John Walker Lindh had already spent six years in prison, the prime years of his life and as such it would be a very good gesture from Mr. Bush to grant him a pardon when at the time just before leaving office and his presidency. Such act of l...

Extreme Radio Talk Shows Do Not Represent America

The air waves are saturated and filled to the hilt with extreme Radio Talk Shows. One may get the false notion that they may represent Mr. Q Public. This can not be farthest from the truth as a matter of fact here in Southern California in the greater Los Angeles area you can find six or seven so called Conservative radio stations all airing in the morning at the same time with no single progressive or liberal radio station talk show. On the other hand this part of the country is part of California blue state. Granted some of the adjacent counties are red but as a whole you may expect one or two liberal radio stations that you find not. How long this anomaly may continue it is worth addressing.

Peter Weissbach of KFMB a Moslem Hater KFMB Asdvocate of Islam Destruction

Peter Weissbach is another rising star KABC warrior for the total destruction and its elimination from the surface of the earth. This anti-Moslem racist sitting for the super Nazi Moslem hater Michael Savage he was the most vile in attacking Islam, Moslems and Al-Quraan (Koran). He aired very vicious calls condemning Islam and tearing into pieces. Lot of the radio program callers were Savage cultists. This Peter Weissbach the super racist devoted his four hours on the air to defame Islam through here and there for varied individual stories to reflect on Islam. Peter Weissbach vicious propaganda is a cancer growing in the society.

Moslem Charities In America Should Send No Money To The Palestinians

Th Moslem charities in America should not send any Money to the Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank. Enough there are other Arab and international organizations to that. Also Bush sends money. All the troubles for these Moslem organizations including trials, shut down, arrests, jail, defaming, campaign of smear is because they were involved in un-necessary charity from their part. So it is out of necessity that these Moslem organizations to stop this madness and putting themselves in trouble by not get involving at all with charity work with the Palestinians. There are others who can help. On the other hand there are many other Moslems in countries around the world who needs help with no land mines as they had experienced trying to help the Palestinians They should learn their very, very painful lesson. So in summary let others help.

Illegal Immigrants Brought Prosperity in America

It is blessing that many people like to come to come to America and bring prosperity. Illegal immigrants brought lot of prosperity to this country and helped to boom its economy. Now with hatred boiling in people brain hundred of thousands were deported and this translated in GDP. Now we find that American businesses in the border states are moving their factories to Mexico. This is loss to America as far work force because doing that American jobs for natives is lost also. Taxes are lost in addition. In California in the predominantly Hispanic with 80% of them Mexicans one can see the schools enrollment is dropping in the last three years as this continues things will get worse. Not surprisingly, eventually some schools will be closed and teachers will go on street. The illegals tend to be big spenders on consumer goods and kicking them into the swamps will hurt American businesses that cater to them. Lot of the illegals who come mainly from Mexico and to a lesser extent from Central ...

Michael Savage War on Critics

Michael Savage the fiery anti-Moslem hater with weekly 8 million radio listeners and who had built cult of followers like the famous Jim Jones had declared a merciless war on his critics by suing them in Federal courts. Being alerted by Moslem listeners the leading Moslem civil right organization posted some audio clips of virulent, obscene graphics angry speeches of Michael Savage on its web site. Michael Savage sued the Moslem organization because of nonsense he conceived copy right speech infringement. He added that his hate clip was taken out of contest. This is a total nonsense since all his five minute monologue which only one minute was used was the same vicious mean and vulgar attacks including "shove it to your end pipe". Michael Savage who attacks the Moslem holy book and compare it to Hitler's "Mein Kempf" has all his vicious attacks audio clips on You Tube web site. He did not sue "You Tube" still. Michael Savage decries that his freedom of...

Fred Thompson Trotting Right and Left on Social Security

Fred Thompson is trotting right and left on the Social Security issue. He will create lot of enemies trying to trim the paltry annual percentage increase for low income recipients. This is a great travesty! The fact is that there are tens of millions of Americans retirees who had lived on meager non livable wages all their lives hardly can scrap any penny to survive. Now the cold hearted Fred Thompson is after cutting their social security benefit's. Fred Thompson is writing himself out of the presidential race.

Water Boarding Fans Michael Savage And Mark Levin

Radio talk show Moguls Michael Savage and Mark Levin are all the way for the dreadful Water Boarding simulated drowning. Filling the lungs with water is absolute horror torture. Michael Savage down graded it to Inconvenience.

Radio War Lord Michael Savage Call For Bombing Iran

Radio war lord his highness Michael Savage is calling for massive bombing of Iranian targets to destroy their nuclear program. Some callers advocated dropping nuclear bombs though. This fellow Michael Savage is reckless war monger. He is smaller Hitler. With 8 million listeners on his program he is indeed very dangerous. A Dangerous man worth repeating.

Bill Richardson Does Not Fit As V.P. for Hillary

Bill Richardson does not fit apparantly as V.P. for Hillary, he is too hulky for her, a gross mismatch.

Radio Lynch Man Michael Savage and Alexandria Library

Radio lynch man the fiery Michael Savage lies to his teeth and claims that the Alexandria library world famous in ancient time was burned when Islam conquered Egypt. He further lies when hew claims that Moslems believed that Quraan only book of knowledge and dismissed all other books. Farthest from the truth actually the Moslems first thing to do was to translate all books of sign and philosophy into Arabic and study them. This includes all what they can lay their hands of Greek manuscript. Back to the Alexandria library, The fact it did not exist at the time of Arab had arrived. How it historically vanished it is a matter of speculation including a devastating earth quake. So finally Michael Savage should clean his act and stop his war of hate.

Picking on Mitt Romney For His Religion Unfair

Picking on Mitt Romney for his particular religion is quite unfair. Mitt Romney follows the Mormon branch of Christianity or what you ever like to designate it. The most important part for electing a president is how to perceive the candidate ability to make the country prosper, safe and ruled according to the established laws. The religious persuasion of the candidate should not be the over whelming factor to pick or not. Some on the other hand are wary if Mitt Romney come to be the president this will lend la lot of prestige to the Mormon faith and help its spreading it which they would not appreciate

Lord Michael Savage Moslems In Britain Birth Rate

Radio charlatan Moslem hater radio talk show Lord Michael Savage claims that Moslems in Britain have high birth rate 4.5% which will lead to the Islamization of that country. Live by hate, live by smear and live by lies. How a low life!

The Right of Return For Palestinians Should Be abandoned

In order to have a dose of reality the Palestinians should accept settlement with the Israelis that does involve the right of return. For all practical reasons the right of return for the Palestinians is de-facto back of the door dissolution of the state of Israel. With population of 40% of Palestinians in couple of decades the country will be split between half Jewish and half Palestinians which will be suicidal for the Jews because Israel will not be Israel any more. The Palestinians or Arabs do not have any military solution to force such terms on the Israel so why balking from finding an agreeable peace agreement that each side will sacrifice something. In the absence of The Right Of Return (ROR)a solution can be far easier to obtain in direct negotiations. May be there would be a monetary compensation that can go towards relocating negotiated Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

Radio Lord Mike Savage Wants Aim Spreading Islamic Hate To Britain

Radio Lord Mike Savage is doing his best, sharpening his knife and aiming his arrows to spread his message of hate to Moslems in Britain whom he claims they have an agenda to Islamize that country. How silly! Any gullible person will believe him! Would some one believes that queen Elizabeth II will wear a Burqua and her husband will wear Laden type turban?

Secularism Is The Problem Of Moslem World Not Terrorism

Secularism is the cancerous problem of the Moslem world not the phony terrorism or so called fundamentalism.

Cook Pot News Stew Dec 9 year 2007

Cook Pot News Stew Dec 9 year 2007 * Nicolas Sarkozy the president of France pledged to the Algerian to fight Islamphobia that is in addition to his previous life commitment fighting anti-Semitism. * The Chimps became the Champs in memory test remembering numbers 1 to 9 in descending order using the computer screen at a Tokyo university in competition with Japanese students. * Michael Savage the Moslem hater with Jim Jones followers does not shy ever from bringing guests to his program who libels Moslem leaders, distinguished very learned scholars in this country.

Saudi Arabia Needs to Recognize Israel Jewish Character

It is imperative after many years and long decades that Saudi Arabia recognizes the inescapable Israel Jewish character. Moslems have accepted the Christians amidst themselves for innumerable centuries then why not the Jews. The Jews do not spiritually accept other land but their biblical land. They are not looking for piece of real estate but what is called the holy land. So Saudi Arabia should cast off her stubbornness. However, since the Jews were evicted by the Roman from this land other religions also established roots and heritage. The amicable solution is amicable solution can be found by having two states side by side living in harmony and cooperation under equitable basis. This is the only make sense plan advocated now by George W Bush and before by his predecessor William Clinton.

Emirate Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia Total Lunacy

The declaration of campaign to form an Emirate federation of Chechnya, Daghestan and Ingustia in the Caucas region is a total lunacy. Just if such thing is remotely feasible it will ultimately evolve into anti-Moslem secular dictatorship like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, ...and Moslems will be ruled by anti-Moslem tyrants. Moslems will have more religious freedom than under such proposed Islamic federation.

Cook Pot December 8 Year 2008

In history, Dec 7, 1796 John Adams was elected. Sherifview Cook Pot December 8 year 2008 * Trashing the word Maddrasah * The rhetoric against Islam is similar to the rhetoric about Communism during the cold war * The Miami Seven accused of Terror Plot is Disgrace they pick on the poor dirt black with limited education and mental capacity, the FBI just want to make name for itself. They are accused of trying to blow the Chicago Sears Tower even they do not have the mean to scratch the toilet in the tower. They never heard what Sears Tower is? They were simple crooks who wanted to get some money from the FBI undercover so they have to say anything to get the money. Street smart Bluff against the FBI informer bluff. Very dirty trick from the FBI. The guys never heard the word Al-Qaida before they met the two Arab background shoddy informers. The judge told the Jury to convict them if they believe they were engaged in conspiracy whether it was feasible or not! What atrocities nonsense! So ...

Tom Tancredo The Ultimate Nazi

Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado 4th district is the ultimate Nazi and Fascist. He is the anti-Moslem devil and as a third tier Republican presidential candidate running for the nomination of his party he has no chance in hell. The only reason that this scum is running is to have a forum to trash Moslems this low lifer.

George W Bush Moral Superiority Pedestal Over The Saudis

George W Bush standing on the moral superiority pedestal looked down on the Saudis teaching them a lesson. The story was about a Saudi young married woman who was sentenced after she claimed she was raped by four or six men. The whole story that she was with a male companion in a car naked having sex when this accident happened. This situation is punishable by Saudi Laws so whether she was raped or not does negate she had violated the Saudi law and sentenced accordingly so what is the business of Mr Bush to interfere with the Saudi aw. In America having sex in public in a car is a violation that will result in and arrest and jailing.

Did Bull-Dog Attacker Michael Savage Stop Insulting Moslems?

So far since the dwell between the savage Michael Savage and the main Moslem civil right organization heated up lot of fire crackers are in the work. An avalanche and unwieldly barrage of insults against Moslems, Islam and Quraan-Koran by America best known radio Bull-Dog Attacker Michael Savage prompted scores of Moslems to complain against him to the main Moslem leading civil right organization. The Islamic civil right organization called upon Moslem to call his advertisers. The Moslem people insulter who called that building Mosques should be banned in America and all Moslems should be deported have for now refrained from continued insults however he invite others to come to his show to do the dirty business. An Afro-American knuckle-head attacked her fellow blacks when they become Moslems and she ended her radio call by stating for Islam shove it.

Mitt Romney Position on Water-Boarding is Slick

Mitt Romney is ice skating when he was asked whether he approved of Water-Boarding or not instead of answering the question directly as yes or not he had only some verbal gymnastic and a slick smart answer. The venerable Mitt Romney said he will skip a direct answer so he will not tip the terrorists. How cute? So terrorists will not do their act because dodo Romney refused to tell them, cutie, cutie... For John McCain his answer was short and a simple No. So Romney go to Roma and play on your Guitar as the city is burning.

There Are Limits For Freedom of Speech in America

On the surface guided by the tribal wisdom and by the sun shine in the sky one may boast that there exists uncontested freedom of speech in America. As may be a surprising delight Contrary to there expected limits and boundaries that must be respected and not crossed. However as when attacking Islam there is no boundary or limits and the most vicious attacks and profanity can be used, in summary there is green light for all that, not though because the symbol of Islam is green. Consider some on radio talk show host says that Jesus and his disciples were gang of homosexuals, would this have not caused severe repercussion for the radio station and the host? Would not this had caused the firing the program producer and the talk show host. How about a direct insult on the Pope and degrading accusation will this be acceptable freedom of speech. How about an insult on the Jewish people and some radio talk show discussing the contents of the Book Elders of Zion!
The 37 years old honey blond Megyn Kelly, barby doll with black boots, the co-anchor of the daytime news program on Fox is making splash by displaying her anti-moslem, Nazi, fascist views and becoming the mouth piece of the fiery anti-moslem Michael Savage. She makes vicious accusations against any one who protests his outbursts against Islam and moslems around the world. Megyn Kelly who appears on the strictly anti-moslem FOX TV network keeps trashing around. She defends Michael Savage hatred talk about Islam as free speech. The question posed: Can any one talks any thing bad about the Jews or their holy books without being called anti-Semitic? Why not in the later case it is not freedom of speech. One should believe that these hate acts are squalid and should not be allowed unless one is willing to sink deeper and deeper into new levels of ugliness, tit for tat and the whole thing turns into creative name calling and that is all. Here are some samples of Mr. Michael Savage ugly hate ...

Total Annihilation of Islam Recurrent Theme in The Blogshere

It is with increasing frequency is the call for total annihilation of Islam in the Blogshere. It is recurrent cry like you can hear in a broken record in the old good days. Certainly if such call is made about the annihilation of Christianity or Judaism the Department of Home Security will be after the perpetrator tails. However, absolutely not for the Total Annihilation Islam From Planet Earth.

Support of Terror The Au Jour McCarthyism

It is becoming the fashion today as Au Jour in French is to throw some one in a curve is to accuse him by being in Support of Terror. This is the most damning accusation because it entails of a long, long prison sentence. This as was in the McCarthy years and during the cold war years the most frightening accusation was being communist supporter, even Lucile Ball the famous comedian did not escape from this tag. Now support of terror had replaced the venerable support of communism. Many innocent Islamic charitable organization were shut under this disguise. The largest Islamic charitable organization was acquitted after long trial in Texas but no apology was in the works. The accusation that this Holy Fund Charitable organization which provided health, food and shelter for ten thousands of Moslems was supporting terrorism was the result of 15 years of spying and watch. The whole accusation was fraudulent and did not stand the test of scrutiny and close examination. Now we see the hatef...

The Hysteria About British Teacher in Sudan and Killing Bosnian Moslems

It is a paradox all this world hysteria about a British teacher get jailed in Sudan for naming a teddy bear Muhammad and the killing of 200,000 Bosnian Moslems between 1992 and 1994. Thousands of women, older men and young children from villages were taken and mounted like sheep, pulled backward by hair and had throats slit by Khanjar, Serbian dagger. Why then there was no world cry? Why Bush senior refused to condemn that called I do not interfere with a Europe hick up. He called killing 200,000 Moslims a hick up. It was Lord Nazir Ahmad and his company of the Moslem Council in Britain that prevailed on the government of Sudan to release the teacher rightfully so. One should bear in mind that these episodes have to do with the political climate and the tension between Sudan and Britain among other countries regarding Darfur and sanctions.

Florida Islamic Center of New Port Richey And Interfaith

The Islamic center of New Port Richey, Florida was opened in the mid festivities. This town is located north of the beautiful Clear Water Beach and used to be a resident of many Greek American fishermen. The encouraging sign is the interfaith participation in the inauguration including religious clergy of different denominations. According to Emily Harris of the Jewish faith it was impressive all the different faiths and ethnicity's that were represented at the opening. This is the true spirit of America where people of all faith and different backgrounds live in harmony.

The Worlds of Doctor Savage and Mr. Hyde

The worlds of Doctor Savage and Mr. Hyde are world apart. The good side is the education of this man who was born 1942 in the Bronx, New York into a family of Russian immigrants. He has degrees in medical botany and a Ph.D. in nutritional ethnomedicine. Doctor Savage on the other hand has destructive side and that is the killing fields. This is very disturbing under the cloak and disguise of pseudo-patriotism he advocated massive nuclear bombing of the Sunni triangle eliminating all the Moslems in this region of Iraq. Strangely enough this comes from a man whose people strive to draw the world sympathy to their blight and suffering under Hitler extermination policies. Now we have Doctor Savage the fiery and explosive radio talk show trouble maker advocating policy of extermination surpassing that of Hitler who did not possess Nuclear bombs at his time.

Obama And Edwards Pushing Hillary to the Left

Barack Obama And Edwards keep pushing Hillary Clinton to the left. They are totally reckless and by doing that they are making her less electable. They are reckless because they understand they have a shot. Barack Obama, where Barack means the blessed in the Semitic language keep pushing her on immigration issues and very pin point question on illegal immigrants driver licenses. When there is a murky issue he and John Edwards demand razor thin definitive answers. It does not work this way and when you have very wide gray area you can not say black or white. On the health care and pulling the troops time table for withdrawal or beginning of withdrawal they are tying the hands of Hillary on make promises that may not able to keep or regret making them. In all these cases there are large million Latino voters who do not like the rhetoric harangue of Obama and Edwards on illegal immigrants and lot of people on the right who does not like the views of both fellows on troop withdraw. Above a...

Every Body Hates Saudi Arabia in America

Every body hates Saudi Arabia in the American media. The radio talk show hosts and callers love to bash Saudi Arabia and shred it like shredded cheese. Say cheese you are on the camera. However for Saudi Arabia the picture looks very ugly. Saudi Arabia is called with the word Enemy or the enemy in all the cases and all the time. Amazing indeed note that Saudi Arabia is called an ally any time she is needed by the US. Saudi Arabia plays very moderating influence at OPEC meetings to resist increase oil prices or cut production. Because it is a major producer very commonly she stand head to head against oil producing country hawks and foils their demands. Saudi Arabia stabilizes the American economy by buying treasury bonds and offsetting the US world trade deficit. Calling Saudi Arabia an enemy has also has racist over tones and Christian bigotry against Islam. Certainly the Moslems in this country do not like that Saudi Arabia be called an enemy.

Islamic Feast of Sacrifice Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha is a Moslem feast to commorate Porphet Ibrahim rotal obedience to God to sacrifice his son Ishmael as commanded by God to test him. At the moment a ram appeared at the Bushes and Ishmael was spared. Eid al-Adha is also for distribution of food meat for hungry poor Moslems. From theological point of view Moslems sacrifice a lamb in Contrast to Christianity where God did not spare his son Jesus from being sacrificed, and unlike Ibrahim when his son was spared from being sacrificed. According to the Bible Jesus asking God why you sacrificed me? and Jesus is the lamb of God. So each religion has its own lamb! Further more Islam by celebrating Eid al Adha sends a message that rejects the idea that Jesus is the lamb but in Islam it is the actual lamb.