Support of Terror The Au Jour McCarthyism

It is becoming the fashion today as Au Jour in French is to throw some one in a curve is to accuse him by being in Support of Terror. This is the most damning accusation because it entails of a long, long prison sentence. This as was in the McCarthy years and during the cold war years the most frightening accusation was being communist supporter, even Lucile Ball the famous comedian did not escape from this tag. Now support of terror had replaced the venerable support of communism. Many innocent Islamic charitable organization were shut under this disguise. The largest Islamic charitable organization was acquitted after long trial in Texas but no apology was in the works. The accusation that this Holy Fund Charitable organization which provided health, food and shelter for ten thousands of Moslems was supporting terrorism was the result of 15 years of spying and watch. The whole accusation was fraudulent and did not stand the test of scrutiny and close examination. Now we see the hateful radio media throwing the support of terror accusation on leading Islamic civic groups in America.


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