The 37 years old honey blond Megyn Kelly, barby doll with black boots, the co-anchor of the daytime news program on Fox is making splash by displaying her anti-moslem, Nazi, fascist views and becoming the mouth piece of the fiery anti-moslem Michael Savage. She makes vicious accusations against any one who protests his outbursts against Islam and moslems around the world. Megyn Kelly who appears on the strictly anti-moslem FOX TV network keeps trashing around. She defends Michael Savage hatred talk about Islam as free speech. The question posed: Can any one talks any thing bad about the Jews or their holy books without being called anti-Semitic? Why not in the later case it is not freedom of speech. One should believe that these hate acts are squalid and should not be allowed unless one is willing to sink deeper and deeper into new levels of ugliness, tit for tat and the whole thing turns into creative name calling and that is all.
Here are some samples of Mr. Michael Savage ugly hate speech radio addressed to his listeners and followers as gathered by Media Matters:
Throwback bastards! I'm so sick of them! I'm so sick of the brainwashing about Islam and Muslims and the Koran! Shove it! Shove it all! I'm sick of it!"
After he turned off the music, Savage criticized the media's coverage of Islam, saying, "I have never lived through a brainwashing like I've lived through for the last five years. Every day, another story sweet-selling Islam and the Koran." Savage also said: "Page after page after page is about religion -- a religion that teaches convert or kill. A religion that says oppress women, kill homosexuals, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel."


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