Did Bull-Dog Attacker Michael Savage Stop Insulting Moslems?
So far since the dwell between the savage Michael Savage and the main Moslem civil right organization heated up lot of fire crackers are in the work. An avalanche and unwieldly barrage of insults against Moslems, Islam and Quraan-Koran by America best known radio Bull-Dog Attacker Michael Savage prompted scores of Moslems to complain against him to the main Moslem leading civil right organization. The Islamic civil right organization called upon Moslem to call his advertisers. The Moslem people insulter who called that building Mosques should be banned in America and all Moslems should be deported have for now refrained from continued insults however he invite others to come to his show to do the dirty business. An Afro-American knuckle-head attacked her fellow blacks when they become Moslems and she ended her radio call by stating for Islam shove it.