Radio KFMB Islam Haters Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback
San Diego Radio 760 KFMB is the the voice of Islamic bashing and racism. With vicious rostrum of Nazi radio talk show hosts the likes of Michael Savage, Mark Levin and fascist Peter Weissback there is no any room left for more anti-Moslem hysteria. This trio Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback represent a constant threat to every Moslem in the world. Openly they are hoping for Islam destruction in the world. They and along their callers want after 1400 years to eliminate Islam and the destruction of Quraan and Mosques in America. Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Peter Weissback are low life along with the extreme Moslem hater and KKK Radio KFMB.