The Presidential Second Debate Starring Cast Obama and McCain Nashville Tennessee

The second presidential debate was held October 7,2008 at Nashville, Tennessee between Barack Obama and John McCain. It was high performance presentation from both sides. John McCain was able to portray more compassionate side regarding the health care issues facing the country un-insured people. Barack Obama tried to nail him describing his $5,000 Tax Credit as a gimmick giving in one hand and taken
from the other pocket even more.
Then there were sharp attacks on Vladimir Putin and labeling Russia as evil but refraining from calling it is back to the days of cold war with the Soviet Union. Then McCain called for Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO if they choose. This will be very risky business and inflame Russia with incalculable reprisal acts.
The debate in Nashville was an attempt from John McCain to resist the tidal wave against him with Barack Obama ahead of him and nearly capturing the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency.