The Christian Clergy and Islamic Scholars Are In Common Fighting Society Degeneracy
The Christian clergy and Islamic scholars are in common fighting society degeneracy. Although, the Christian and Islamic scholars are seemingly world apart they are faced with the same problem of society degeneracy. Recently, the Bishop of Cologne in Germany on the occasion of the opening new art culture center he called about the adherence of artists to higher values and away from decadence tendencies. On face value this seems a reasonable call from his part the unexpected effect and reaction was a storm of protest and anger. What triggered that his reference that culture should not harm the society brought to the German the distant memory of the Nazi Hitler time where the culture was controlled by the state. The Bishop was cornered and he applogized for the wording of the comments he made.
It goes without saying that the Islamic leaders and scholars would join the German Bishop in his call for culture decency.
It goes without saying that the Islamic leaders and scholars would join the German Bishop in his call for culture decency.