Senator Sam Brownback Nonsense And Islamo-Facists
The old hash horse manure is repeated by Kansas Senator Sam Brownback by going through the old worn broken record of Islamo-Facists. Can this guy sober up and realize this term is over with and no body use it any more. This guy was humiliated and kicked out of the race so early on and he was complete failure. A religious fanatic who converted from Methodist to die-hard Roman Catholic he has nothing to keep his mind occupied but to use the bigotry term of Islamo-Facists. Like no body is fascists but Moslems, every Moslem is blind follower of Benito Mussolini of Italy the land of Pizza and Pisa tower. fascism is a system of government and state has to do with dictatorship, industry and military complex all tied together. It is not used for individuals as ignorants and demagogues may repeat. Rudy Giuliany was nutty who used this term Islamo-Facist and now he can retire in Asylum after demonstrating he was a joke during the Republican presidential primaries. Senator Sam Brownback from the Frakstein house needs to take some medicine for his head.