Prejudice And Hatred In Dayton, Ohio Turn Down Moslems Quest For Building A Mosque

The Moslems living in Dayton, Ohio and surrounding communities felt the heavy weight of prejudice and hatred In Dayton, Ohio when anti-Moslem bigots pressured the city council in denying the Moslems a permit to build a much needed mosque. The most disgraceful thing that some of the leaders in the community who raised a fuss and demonstration against building a mosque in Dayton were some Southern pastors among other denomination. The same nonsense that was used against selling homes and dwellings to black folks during the tumultuous days of civil rights struggle, the value of the neighborhood houses will go down if a black man buys a house. Now the values of the homes in the neighborhood will go down if a mosque will be built. The people of Dayton will feel ashamed that some tiny minority in their midst had tarnished the good names of the folks in this city.
Dayton tarnished its glowing name affixed to the Dayton peace agreement that settled a very vicious civil war that resulted in total destruction of 250,000 civilians the bulk of them were Bosnia Moslems. Dayton also its name is carved in history stone records as the place where the Wright brothers first successfully flew an early model of an Aero-plane.
Now hundred years later or so later the Daytonanians are accused of being bigots.


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