Is Turkey Ruled By Parliamentarians or Rules of Mobs?
It is apparently that taking to the streets and hysterically chanting by the Kemalists mops in Turkey is the new way to rudely interfere with the legitimate parliamentarian system of that country. It is all about the battle of head scarf the new Waterloo in Turkey. How pity! It is apparent that the efforts to eliminate Islam by the tyrant Ata-X, also known to his worshipers as Ata-Turk is floundering and collapsing into shambles. In 1980 the fanatic militant Kemalist generals in the Turkish army instituted a ban on female students wearing head scarfs. Therefore they prevented them from the opportunity to enroll or attend classes in universities and colleges. Another possibility is for the female students to take off their head scarfs before entering classes or walk in campuses. Such draconian and anti-Islamic laws and the atmosphere of hatred towards Islam in general is about to be turned down under the present Turkish government which wants to limit the excesses of the militant secularist fanatics through the past eighty plus years. So lets Turkey develop its new laws peacefully without the rule of mops in the streets. The concerned Moslems worldwide is watching carefully this sensitive struggle between the moderate Moslems and the fanatic Kemalists.