The Vindication of Life and Look Magazines
It was argued that the Vietnam war lasted so long because of the weekly very real photo coverage of soldiers in the trenches and battle fields all muddied and exhausted, pictures of wounded soldiers carried by fellow comrades taken to be evacuated. The Life and Look magazines specially were sourly blamed for all the ills of the war and what went wrong. Also shared the blames were the television network of daily occurrences of this Vietnam war and the devastation it brought in term of material damage and human devastation and suffering. It was decided that all this intimate and close coverage will not be permissible in any future war engagement. Now the Iraq war has lasted as long as the Vietnam war and surely will surpass it by many year of conflict. For the Iraqi war the media have abstained from any close coverage of the battle field or soldiers been wounded or photos of dead Iraqi civilians and severely wounded. All that ban did mot shorten the war. Surely, the LIFE and LOOK magazines should truly be vindicated.