The Christian Sharia

Although the attacks on Islamic sharia there is in fact Christian Sharia. Churches, Christian organizations and Evangelical pastors and leaders all promote Christian sharia. Although the attacks are on the Islamic sharia the Christian sharia is left unscathed. The Christian sharia has lot of common elements with the Islamic sharia in regard of many issues. The war on abortion is a Christian sharia issue, pornography is a Christian sharia issue, the pre-marital sex is a Christian sharia issue, the condemnation of homo-sexuality is Christian sharia issue, the attack on lottery is a Christian sharia issue. In real life and in our society the defenders of Christian issues had succumbed and was defeated in issues like divorce which is now very common among Christianity followers, pre-marital sex the church gave up on it. Yes there is Christian sharia but the claims that only Islam has sharia. This is not quite absolutely though, there who realise that some already some of the laws that are passed in many states of the country is nothing less than Christian Sharia.


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