Universe, Super Universe, Super-super ...

The universe we live in is stipulated that it began with a big big-bang, just horrendous! I would imagine that a Super Universe may exist that has been created by many such and similar big-bangs that existed some where else. Would they have interacted together or two universes will collide? Like many things in the universe there is rotation, therefore one may stipulate that our universe is rotating around say the center of the s super-universe. If there is super universe then there may be a super- super-universe, and therefore, super-super super-universe and so forth and so on. The problem is with the space? does every explosion creates a new space? Does space get born and get die in other time? How we no the answer? May be never? and probably indeed this is the case! Ignorance may be bless! with our gained knowledge we stipulated that the sun will grow, scorch our blue planet and we are all doomed. Then the sun will be doomed later in a great explosion and its debris will scatter in the universe. This will happen in millions open millions of years. We will not be in our times, then we should not worry or care. On the other hand we will care infinitesimally if billions over billions of years if our universe collapses or had other collision with another universe or coming closer to home if our milky way galaxy collides with another galaxy.

An interesting link


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