Claiming And Touting Being Gay Is Disgusting
Touting gay is disgusting,however, this is becoming very common in the American system. When the President of Iran a devout Moslem visits New York City Columbia University one of the prime questions forwarded to him was about how Iran handle the gay issue and whether they execute them. Dr. Ammadinejad told them that in Iran we do not have homosexuals but your country have. The auditorium filled with laughs and the media attacked his answers. In the mean time in America for guys to declare so blatantly in the open is that he is gay is very disgusting. The act itself is revulsing. Reading newspaper columns in midst of that you read the columnist touting he is gay, very disgusting such openness. In radio talk show you may like the program but Lon and behold the talk show host surprises every one by saying his gay, disgusting also. Now TV family hours programs probably have one of the played characters as self professed homosexual. I believe the media should limit such uninvited pronouncements and it is becoming and more common.