Stop Social Security Stealing By US Government
Save the Social Security system by stopping the US government from stealing it and treating it as part of the general revenue. Year after year the US government steals billions of dollars it collected from social security taxes it collected and technically borrow it and never get returned. So the cries and weeps that the social security will get broke because the number of retirees to workers keep getting higher is not the cause but again because the US confiscate the social security taxes she collected it and spend part of it on social security benefits and huge surplus it is just get stolen and got spent on other purposes that has nothing to do with the retirees. It is expected that some of the social security surplus that is the sum been collected minus that been sent to the retiree, that sum goes at the present time to finance the war in Iraq which has nothing to do with the purpose of social security.
So stop saying that social security will got broke not without continuing stealing from it.
So stop saying that social security will got broke not without continuing stealing from it.