Holographic View Basis For Solving World Problems
Most of the world problems and international crises are looked upon from the protagonist sides as a one dimensional or two dimensional view point. This adds to the conflict and can result ultimately in a possible eruption of wars. A Holographic view and look to outstanding conflicts and issues is the best way to find better understanding of the nature of the whole problem without being prejudicial for one side or another. Holographic approach will listen the heat of the problem and simmering conflicts. So a deliberate Holographic look will force the parties to see the full view and nature and basis of the problem and may realize that their claims and demands are not completely fair and the opposite side has also some validity. The holographic approach will force the parties to the conflict to view the problem from all angles without omission and this would guarantee as much fairness as possible for all parties in case of hopeful resolution. Holographic view solution should be the basis for solving the whole world problems.