David Horowitz The Epitome of Anti-Moslem Fascist

David Horowitz is indeed the epitome of Anti-Moslem fascist, racist and sworn hater. During the Kosovo genocidal war conducted by the Serbian Orthodox Christian para-military, David Horowitz was extremely happy that Moslems Kosovars been killed and thrown out from their ancestor's land and accordingly he opposed like mad the rescue operation by then President Clinton. He argued foolishly that this was not helpful to America interests, like he cares. The only things he cares about is that Moslems get slaughtered. He hates Arabs and specially the dark-skin Arabs who blames for American slavery. About the war in Iraq he declares that America has have entered the era of a new war between the forces of freedom and the powers of Islamo-fascist and communist darkness. Talking from his orfice.


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