Christian Martin Luther A Monk Atheist Wafa Sultan A Monkey
Martin Luther was a monk on the other hand Wafa Sultan is monkey! What a difference between a monk and a monkey? but this is the way it is. Martin Luther was a professor at a German University and a learned scholar and the very, very opposite of the spectrum and no remote comparison is Wafa Sultan which is a hoodlum, scum and a monkey and repeats the insults she heard from others who hate and are against Islam;. Martin Luther had a detailed thesis which he posted at the door of church to address and tackle some problems related mostly to the papacy and salvation by grace while the devil Wafa Sultan wants the total destruction of Islam. She does not discussing any thing but use words such as barbarity of Islam. Martin Luther believed in the Deity, Jesus and God, Wafa Sultan is a militant fanatic atheist and a racist who believes that Islam is a desert religion. This sums up the great difference between a scholar and a hoodlum nothing else to describe her than that. If Wafa Sultan thinks she can destroy Islam then she is crazy. If this salty tongued woman think that any moslem will give her any respect then she is again crazy. Finally, Martin Luther name lived for 500 years while Wafa Sultan name after she expires will rot in cow dung and horse manure and buried in trash.