John McCain Should Quit After The Little Jerk Statement
John McCain the abrasive Republican contestant for the 2008 presidential election should throw the hat and call it quit. After calling the high school student of Concord High School in New Hampshire a “Little Jerk” because he dared him to question his age and fitness to be president it is time for John McCain to leave the scene and he will not be missed an iota. John McCain has a short ignitable fuse temper and this was demonstrated repeatedly. He called a fellow Senator a four letter word followed by you because he dared to question McCain availability in a congressional committee sighting his constant campaign schedule. A major national magazine called him hot temper few years back but since then was forgetting. Recently, there were flares of McCain irritability problem. McCain should quit after using the ’Little Jerk” comment. John Kerry quit after a botched joke and now is the turn for John McCain to quit.