Deceased Rev James D Kennedy in Good Health Melancholy
In the world of madness's is the letter composed by Dr. Rev James D Kennedy and intended to be delivered at his funeral on September 13, 2007 in Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Florida. In it he says at the time of his funeral services no body should cry because he is in heaven, what ever the hell this means, and he is in good health, a sick statement, and is looking at his congregation pitying them they are not much alive like him. He failed to mention whether he is also looking at his embalmed em bowled corpse laying in the box. This the ultimate Melancholy of what religion brings to human mind. The worst thing are the idiots in his church who will believe such stupid,witchcraft, nonsense and Melancholy. Religion has fantastic power to poison the brain and reduce it to mashed potato. Dr. D James Kennedy is certainly a crook although in life he had many degrees.