What is purpose? Is it real or make belief? Does every thing need to have a purpose? Is there a frame of reference when considering a purpose? Does every one agrees on some one purpose? Can a purpose be just self centered? Does every thing in nature have a purpose? Existence and purpose this can be a conflict and debated! Are they necessary congruent? Do we make a purpose? Is purpose right? Does every thing that exist has a purpose? Is purpose supreme? One person purpose can the other person night mare! Can purpose be evil? Lets look at wars the transgressors had a purpose to start them; Innocents are killed and destruction follows.
Look to the black people who were captured in their ancestor's land and brought to the American shores to work in farm plantation. Were they consulted and did they have a purpose to be be transported across the ocean?
The purpose you have may conflict with some body desires and even freedom. Does purpose some times can be based Solly on selfish endeavor.
There is also inherited purpose or genetic purpose this can be realised that every generation want to to make the next generations better as manifested in progress in our human life conditions and our ability to tackle problems of various shapes and origins.


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