It Is All Down Hill For Poor John McCain

Farewell for John McCain. He can go POW WOW in phoenix and have a nice buffet dinner!
From Sherif-View post on 04/08/07
John McCain Can Not Fit and Should Quit. It is the most honorable thing for John McCain to quit the 2008 republican presidential horse-race before he gets humiliated in a crushing defeat. John McCain is an old guy, even older than Ronald Reagan when he ran for presidency. There are other things to consider, John McCain is creature of political expediency he does not have core values, he is chameleon who changes color with the environment. He will sell his sole to score some points with some money backers. John McCain has no personal charisma he comes out as cold blooded and arrogant. John McCain is down the list in the amount of money raised because smart money does not want to bit on a loser. John McCain finally has the highest percentage of voters who said they will never vote for him. As it came in a famous Simpson trial that captivated the nation the immortal phrase “if it does not fit then he should be acquit!” For John McCain he does not fit the republican presidential race and he should quit.


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