Some Muslims Who are in the religious activism side are longing to what is called Islamic caliphate or Islamic Khalif or ruler. This is a total nonsense and Khalifite is a corrupt system in all its history. Some of the khalifs were tyrants and some were immersed in world of pleasure and luxury. These absolute rulers were disastrous. Such corrupt system does not fit our days and time. The ottoman sultan Suleiman murdered his son Mustafa a very popular general in the army by suffocation at the hands of deaf eunuchs while he watched behind the curtains till his son gasped his last breaths. After this Sultan death his drunkard son from a Christian wife brought the ottomans to gradual decline from there on. Innovations under Khalif Haroon Al-Rashid was considered silly waste of time and innovators were punished.
With Moslems comprising all races and geographic locations it is absolute folly to expect that one race or nationality can be accepted by all. Even in the Catholic church the Latin American countries did not like the idea of another white European was selected as new pope, namely Pope Benedict the XVI. The Latin Catholic countries will be in arms next time a new pope will be voted on if he will not be one of their own.
With Moslems blacks, whites and browns a khalif from any one of these groups will cause ill feeling from other. Any Moslem who believes such khalifite idea should abandon this nonsense. The world should move forward and not backward.
In addition of an Islamic khalifite with the most suspicion from the Christian world and others and will increase the world tensions between rival religions. So lets bury the nonsense inflammatory talk about Islamic khalifite which is not prescribed in the Quraan or by prophet of Islam.
With Moslems comprising all races and geographic locations it is absolute folly to expect that one race or nationality can be accepted by all. Even in the Catholic church the Latin American countries did not like the idea of another white European was selected as new pope, namely Pope Benedict the XVI. The Latin Catholic countries will be in arms next time a new pope will be voted on if he will not be one of their own.
With Moslems blacks, whites and browns a khalif from any one of these groups will cause ill feeling from other. Any Moslem who believes such khalifite idea should abandon this nonsense. The world should move forward and not backward.
In addition of an Islamic khalifite with the most suspicion from the Christian world and others and will increase the world tensions between rival religions. So lets bury the nonsense inflammatory talk about Islamic khalifite which is not prescribed in the Quraan or by prophet of Islam.