At the twilight of Tony Blair power and his days are dwindling as Britain big boss he is hit suddenly by the Iranian mafia who kidnapped his 15 soldiers. The only way to get them is to kiss the rear ends of their Iranian captors, a distasteful act that Blair will shiver from acting. The memories of how the Iranians had humiliated president Jimmy Carter for 444 days capturing the American embassy personnel in Tehran on November 4, 1979 and teasing him badly about it. This event shadowed Jimmy Carter for the best of his presidency until his last day when Ronald Reagan took over. Now Tony Blair he does not want to be another Jimmy Carter, actually he dread that!! The Iranians are cunning trouble makers and want to get even after the humiliating Security Council resolution against them. The Chinese say this is the happy pig year for them for Tony Blair will he have another happy pig! A question Tony Blair needs to ponder today on April fool’s day.


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