Lumping Abortion into the American Presidential Election Race Disgusting

The continuance insertion of the abortion issue into the American presidential campaign is particularly disgusting, nauseating, wicked, outrageous and is used as a tool to distract from more important issues. The abortion matters are for the courts and for the legislators and nothing for the president. The only thing the president can do is to appoint the so called strict constructionist judges in the supreme court, using the phony term coined by the republicans, to do his bidding and affect the court abortion decisions. Bush wickedly did that by appointing two supreme right wing fanatics in the supreme court in the persons of Roberts and Allito. Tell me about strict constructionist judges when you pick judges whom you know how they will decide abortion issues in advance. This is scam. There are serious issues where the election should revolve around such as foreign wars and bread and butter for the masses of American people of low and middle income not the phony abortion nonsense.


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