The Betrayal of the U.S. Census Bureau of American Moslems

Although the data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is under the guise it will not be shared with any other government agency or otherwise private this promise is violated for American Moslem citizens and legal residents. This betrayal is painful and not much publicized in the general domain. Under the dubious Patriot act it has been violated. What it basically says that the Moslem American people are different class that is under suspicion that need be constantly watched by the home security department. This is a menace to the menace to the American Moslem people and under special cases can be rounded because she knows the location and address of every American Moslem for possible detention and injustice. This was the trade mark of fascist governments and organizations like the KGB. Under George W Bush what America made itself proud has been jeopardized. Welcome census of 2100.


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