Assimilation is the mother if evil! Through history many crimes have been made in the name of assimilation. There is no compelling reason for a country to force a segment of her population to assimilate by force. This is an excuse for murder, mayhem, destruction and annihilation of tradition and culture. Rolling back some pages of history one finds the fanatic Buddhists not so long ago when the ancient kingdom of Vietnam exists, we see them destroying the prosperous Moslem nation of Sham that was sandwiched between Cambodia and again Vietnam. The murderers resented that the Moslems have their own traditions like not eating pork. China is wiping the Tibetan culture and also that of the Turkic minority in the remote area of China of Sinkiang. Examples of wiping the culture of minorities and forcing the majority culture is appalling and unfortunately so numerous. . The barbaric assimilation can occur through the use of brute force and/or direct military invasion. Ultra nationalist fanatics in many countries try to play this repugnant game through threat after threat. A perfect example is the treatment of Moslem immigrants in western Europe and the display of the most disrespect and contempt towards them.


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